An Introduction



Hows it going, I'm Aaron Lynch or some times called "Lynchy" a nick name that has kinda carried since school, so I use it now as a user name for most of my social accounts as you can see from my profile picture I have included above. I am glad you have took the time to read through my blog. I am currently in my 2nd year of CDM here at TU Dublin - Blanchardstown, I am 19 years of age but soon to be the big 20 in the next few months which is still quite strange to me but hey that's what ever ๐Ÿ˜…


A few hobbies/Interests I have include Gaming (Mainly on Pc ๐Ÿ‘Œ) I prefer to play First person shooters, but I do also enjoy my fair share of racing & story mode games aswell. I recently got back into using my VR headset which is pretty cool, the constant release of new VR games got me pretty hooked to give it a try again so that's fun.


I am also very into cars, I am currently in the process of "Modifying" my own car at the moment which would kill me to look how much I am spending, but sure that's the fun in it. For me modifying my car is much like furnishing up your home, your making it yours to enjoy. Adding and removing things to really make the home yours, This is the same thing just with a car ๐Ÿ˜†.


So I'm guessing your wondering why I might of chose the CDM course to study in college?, well let me tell you. I decided to choose the CDM course here at TU Dublin because the course really suited what I wanted to do. I hope to eventually be able to work for my self creating and designing websites for businesses, aswell as doing other stuff like product photography, marketing, & graphic design. I really wanted to diversify my self into some of these fields and combine them all into one that I would be able to approach a business and offer to do it all for say. Well that's the hope anyways, I guess we just got to wait and see :).

So that's a bit about my self anyways, I hope you enjoyed this introduction and I hope you stay connected and read any future posts.

Thanks for reading,







  1. Aloha Lynchy!! ๐Ÿงš‍♀️You should play roblox on your PC. ๐Ÿ˜€Gah damn flexing your VR headset uh YOU LUCKY- yes I also like the movie Cars ๐Ÿคช jkkk have fun working on your car bestie. ๐Ÿ’…๐ŸผBusinesses will fight for you to work for them PERIOD ๐Ÿ˜คYes the introduction was immaculate as Britney Spears said in one of her songs.... "Work Bit-" ๐Ÿ˜Ž✨

  2. Hi Aaron I like your blog ! I am into gaming too, the VR that you were talking about sound very fun. It also sounds very cool that you are doing up your car I heard it is quite expensive to do that actually. I also think it's very cool how you want to design websites for different companies in the future.

  3. Hey Aaron ,
    great blog man really enjoyed it ,didn't know u were almost 20 wow. Vr seems really fun , a different way of gaming , never tried it myself but sounds fun. The car does sick so far tho haha defiantly worth the money , well worth it. Looking forward to seeing what work you create this year !

  4. Hi Aaron, or Lynchy. I like gaming too especially fps and racing games they're good fun, I've never used a vr headset though that does seem exciting. I'm not huge into cars myself but I can definitely see the attraction of modifying your car and making it your own!

  5. Hi Aaron i'm a huge fan of gaming myself and enjoy both fps and story mode games as well. Interesting on how you enjoy a lot of aspects of the course and not just a certain topic like graphic design.


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