My Prototype

 My Prototype

So this week I have began development on my prototype, as you can probably tell at this moment in time its quite basic yes, but that's because the base foundations are only being layed out. I have made a "Base Level" as I called it, this object will act as the path that the player and obstacles will be based along. The reasoning for this is that, the game is a 3d, 2d plat former with the ability for the player to switch between two different camera angles. The game follows a single straight path that the player must avoid obstacles along. As the levels develop more I am going to start the designing process and the level will have a nice background that will be visible from the players perspective.

The scripting will take a bit of trail and error to find what works and what doesn't in terms of jump heights and movement speeds etc. I have put a temporary checker box texture I found online and applied it to the player box and added the color pink, just to differentiate it from other basic looking objects in the scene. If you have been following the development stages of my game, you would know that I hope to make a few different "Skins" for this player model that the end user can change to. I might have them locked to levels so the player has to complete the level to actually unlock them but I will have to see how things go first, if i will have time for all that. So far all though its quite basic I am feeling confident that I am heading in the right track.

Screen shot I took of my prototype in Unity


  1. Hi Aaron the game is really coming along well and is looking well. I gotta start this week and get the basis of my game finished and look forward to fully starting my game and am looking forward to start myself. Im really looking forward to your finished game.

  2. Hi Aaron

    Great to see your prototype is coming along quite well and your prototype looks great and easy to understand based on design choices. I'm loving the idea of having skins in the game and the idea of using levels as a way to unlock them, a great way for the player to want to progress and to feel a sense of achievement. I get the same feeling when it comes to the code with trial and error but form what I've read and your picture for your prototype I know you will be able to sort out any issues in no time at all

  3. Hey Aaron,
    i really enjoyed reading your blog this week. Its really great to see you made a start on your game. Also everyones prototype is basic at the moment, its gonna take time creating it. I love the design choice too! I have never watched Skins before, using levels as a way to unlock and move on to next level seems like a great idea to embed it in your project. Also have you considered watching any youtube tutorials? they might help you.
    Hope all goes well with your game.


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