Tutorial 02

Unity Tutorial 03

 With this weeks Unity tutorial I have continued on with my 2D game. I have learned a lot of coding related stuff this week and I feel It will definitely come in handy for future games.

This week I mainly focused on adding a health system to my game by firstly adding a piece of fruit that the player will use to regain health if injured. The fruit has a script attached to it what works along side the controller script used for the "Ruby" player model. If the player has full health they will not be able to take the fruit, it just wont do anything, but if the player has less than max health they can take the fruit. The script is designed in a way that it tells the fruit to delete its self if the two objects collide via their box colliders. Upon deleting the fruit it will give the player health.

Unity Screenshot


  1. Fabulous blog i dare say good fellow i love the articulted words as well as a splendid scene how will the box colliders work on a 2D game that is something i find it hard to figure out and have always pondered.

    1. Thank You very much good sir for your beautifully laid out reply. Good Day


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